
What’s The Nerdy Squirrel All About?

We love books. Digital and print, novellas and tomes, fiction and non, trashy and lit, old and new. So what are we going to do with that?

We’re going to share it with you.

This website is the start of a community of/for book lovers … people who love to read, who get excited about new book releases, who hoard book piles they have no hope of getting through but keep buying anyway, who have favorite authors and favorite quotes and lists of the books they’ve read in years past. We may direct the discussion, but we invite you to join in and start discussions of your own.

And down the road, The Nerdy Squirrel will exist in an “old-fashioned” bricks-and-mortar setting, as a bookstore promoting all things bookish, featuring indie authors and titles (and anything we all take a liking to), and serving as a gathering spot for readers and writers. We’ll also share our progress in building the foundation (figuratively, of course!) for that space.